Taga-MaSci ka kung…

2 min readSep 3, 2023


Shortly after posting that comment, I visited the “Taga-MaSci ka kung…” group page on Facebook where I get this notification that I can post my next comment sometime during the last week of September, roughly a month from the notification date. Since we all should try not to be where we are not wanted, I left the group.

If this is the direction that MaSci is headed, then the new Manila Science building is clearly a facade — and all those shiny new lab tables will never see the amount of laboratory disasters we have managed to subject our beloved OG in the years between 1978 to 1982 — back then we called that learning.

Then all those library books will, in fact, never see any use at all but not merely be supplemented by computer terminals for the Internet but replaced by them.

If the first sign of a differing point of view is immediately canceled for perhaps fear of one’s authority being put into question, or one’s taste in humor put to the test, or for reasons unbeknownst to well-balanced thinkers.

If after AI took the world over in November of 2022, almost a year now, which managed to pass the US law bar exams; the “joke” we came up with is MATH=Meryenda Almusal Tanghalian Hapunan. From whose approval we shall judge those who are worthy to belong in this MaSci group.

Everything that the OG MaSci building has accomplished can never be equaled by the birthed inhabitants of this new structure. For we have managed, and thrived, armed not with shiny, new toys but with limited resources — which always foster resilience; armed with the cerebral disposition to consider alternative points of view and not embrace cancel culture.

The King is dead. Long live the king.




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