The name of the guilty party
has not been changed.
He, my sister’s David, is beyond
very, very deranged.
Constantly, slowly, blabbing,
with a penchant for the dramatic.
Very slowly, clearly, obviously,
bordering on psychotic.
Wine, art, senseless words -
trying to sound poetic.
Reveal an obvious insecurity
boundless beyond pathetic.
“Did Jew Know,”
was in my Kindle Nook.
This particular Jew
believed he wrote that book.
The chasms in his morality
we all find too disconcerting.
He could or should be medicated
to alleviate some of our suffering.
And my poor, dear, old sister
couldn’t understand him.
She never admitted to David
I wrote her emails, it would seem.
Doing all he could to hide
his being a pompous ass;
such is the life and death of
poor, old David Klass.
Copyright © 2019
Donato R. Vytiaco